vendredi 17 février 2012

La musique peut t'emporter partout

Comme qui dirait, je suis dans ma période Bob Marley.
C'est la vie, ça va passer...

1 commentaire:

Anonyme a dit…

Great work! I would like to invite you to participate in this mail art call:


Tema: O Carnaval pelo Mundo / Theme: Carnival around the World.

Sem Júri / No Jury
As obras não serão devolvidas / None of the pieces will be returned.

Exibição: Todas as obras serão integradas nas Festas da Praia 2012 e exibidas no Etis-Bar / Exhibition: All received mail art will be in display at Etis - Bar, included in Praia's Festival 2012.

Técnica e medidas livres / Any medium that deal with any technique and any size.

Data limite para envio / Deadline to send:
26 de Julho de 2012 / 26 of July 2012

Enviar todas as obras / Send all mail art to:

Daniela Quadros
Aptº 12 - 9760-909
Praia da Vitória.